52 Tuesdays Series: Favorite Thrifts

From my first 52 Tuesdays post, by way of explanation of this project:

Are you familiar with the concept of a 365 project? It's pretty simple. You pick one thing and do that thing for 365 days, and generally you take a photo of it. I first heard of the concept when my good friend Rachel did a 365 portrait project. I really love the concept of it. You make an effort to do and record at least one thing every day and at the end of it you have a record of your year in that one thing. It keeps you accountable. But. 365. That's a commitment. One I'm pretty sure I would not be able to keep. So, I'm going to set my sights a little bit lower: 52 Tuesdays. Every Tuesday, I'll post a picture and a little blurb, and at the end of the year I'll have 52 posts (Because there are 52 Tuesdays in a year. Wait, what's that you say? I've already missed a whole month of Tuesdays? Shush. You are no longer allowed to read this blog). Now, what to pick for my 52 Tuesdays series...

52 knitting projects might be a bit of a stretch. 52 cups of tea would be just plain boring to look at. A photo of myself every Tuesday? I know for sure I'd forget to do that. Which leaves: the thrifts! So, for the next 52 Tuesdays I'm going to take a photo of a favorite thrift / second hand / flea market / antique store / yard sale find and tell you a little bit about it. Sound interesting? I sure hope so.

Click on the picture below to see the post on each item and read it's story.