Tuesday, February 5, 2013

52 Tuesdays: Favorite Thrifts #1

Are you familiar with the concept of a 365 project? It's pretty simple. You pick one thing and do that thing for 365 days, and generally you take a photo of it. I first heard of the concept when my good friend Rachel did a 365 portrait project. I really love the concept of it. You make an effort to do and record at least one thing every day and at the end of it you have a record of your year in that one thing. It keeps you accountable. But. 365. That's a commitment. One I'm pretty sure I would not be able to keep. So, I'm going to set my sights a little bit lower: 52 Tuesdays. Every Tuesday, I'll post a picture and a little blurb, and at the end of the year I'll have 52 posts (Because there are 52 Tuesdays in a year. Wait, what's that you say? I've already missed a whole month of Tuesdays? Shush. You are no longer allowed to read this blog). Now, what to pick for my 52 Tuesdays series...

52 knitting projects might be a bit of a stretch. 52 cups of tea would be just plain boring to look at. A photo of myself every Tuesday? I know for sure I'd forget to do that. Which leaves: the thrifts! So, for the next 52 Tuesdays I'm going to take a photo of a favorite thrift / second hand / flea market / antique store / yard sale find and tell you a little bit about it. Sound interesting? I sure hope so.

For this first post, I've decided to start in the kitchen with a classic.

What: Homer Laughlin Striped Medium Bowls
Where: Yakima, WA thrift store (can't remember which one)
Level of Love: 10 of 10. These are my favorite bowls for cereal. They're the perfect size for such things. The color combination is also pretty perfect. That deep golden brownish yellow is my favorite, yet I like how it's offset by the creamy white with these. As much as I adore my Fiesta ware, I sometimes tire of the all-over color and crave a little bit of neutral. The only thing that could make these bowls better? More of them.


  1. I love your 52 Tuesday treasure idea and look forward to your next 51 installments.

    As for your cereal bowls, they are very pretty. As I've mentioned before, bowls are one of my favorite things to collect, so I love that they are your first post! :-)

    Aunt Kim

    1. Thanks Aunt Kim! I was thinking of you and your love for bowls when I was looking around the kitchen for thing to photograph. Glad you liked them!
