Monday, May 18, 2015

Lopez Island

We recently took a trip over to Lopez Island. Which is apparently goes by the nickname "Slopez". Cuz, you know, "island time". Lopez - ahem - Slopez is one of the island is the San Juan Islands group. Having visited the larger San Juan and Orcas islands, we were glad to have the opportunity to check out Lopez as well. I've heard it described as the most chill of the three main San Juans, and it's also known as the "biker island". As in bicycle island, because it's the most flat and accessible to bikers I think.

Also, on this particular weekend, the community was hosting the annual Lopez Island Sheep and Wool Festival. Fiber arts goodness combined with a beautiful island backdrop? Sold. Also, there was camping. Double sold.

We started out the day by heading straight from the ferry to the festival. There was spinning, dying, weaving, felting, knitting, crocheting, and even a sheep shearing demonstration! There were a small but quality number of booths set up and I purchased a handful of treasured hanks. I've got plans to make a simple but perfect beanie with a small hank of natural grey. Probably something "for Kevin" that I'll steal quite frequently. I also got a large hank of natural white and a muddy-yellow wee one of the same type that was dyed with mushrooms. I'm thinking something with some simple colorwork Maybe a cowl? It's Romney and very soft and pillowy. Plus it smells awesome.

From there we went exploring. We walked around the village area and of course had to stop in to the wee thrift shop. They had a surprisingly good amount of things to peruse for such a small shop. I ended up snagging a cheerful little lady bug pin for the bargain price of $0.75. Next we continued to a slightly different kind of "thrift store", the Lopez Island dump! Or more technically, the Take It or Leave It area of the Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District. It's really a magical place. People can bring their items in, nice volunteers organize them, and then anyone can come and take what they please. It's really very nice! I'd even put it a step above the Goodwill outlet. I mean, I love the outlet, but it's really a pretty disorganized dirty place. This was not that.I was reminded of the treasures that used to be pulled from the Enterprise dump where I grew up. Most memorable is a set of Fire King Jadeite that my great uncle Andy rescued for me when I was still a youngster.

Next we headed down to check out Iceberg Point. It's a really rocky point on the south end of the island with a short little walk from the parking area to the outcropping. Pictures do a much better job of describing it.

Then it was time to set up camp! I love camping. For this trip we stayed at Odlin County Park at one of the walk-in sites right along the beach. They had these cute little chalkboard signs with our names on them. I think the photo below captures the campsite well (notice the Kevin in the background making himself at home). For dinner we made kabobs and sat around the fire until well after the sun went down, as you do.

The next morning we got of fairly early (as you also do) and got the coffee going right away. For breakfast it was eggs in frames and Heinz vegetarian beans. My favorite! There's really nothing that beats an egg in a frame. A second pot of coffee was made, some knitting was done, and then it was sadly time to pack up. Before lining up for the ferry home we quickly swung by Hummel Lake (sooo many mosquitos) and Spencer Spit. We decided that if we ever get back to Lopez (hopefully) we'll try camping at Spencer's Spit. The bother there is that you're not able to make advance reservations, but it seemed like a really lovely spot.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

April in Instagrams

I've decided I really like having these monthly round-up posts (via Instagram-ed moments), so I'm going to make an effort to get back to doing them on a more regular basis. Here are some of my favorites from April.

Clockwise from top left...

1. On of my co-workers has a box full of Dum Dums. I frequently dip my hand into that box at least once a day. Do I have a favorite flavor? Nope. They are all good because they all taste like sugar.

2. DUNE!! I love science fiction. I really loved reading Dune in high school but had never seen the David Lynch movie. It's terrible and fantastic. Gimme some steamy Sting any day of the week. Also Kyle MacLachlan. We've been spending quite a bit of time at Central Cinema lately and it's wonderful.

3. Belle and Sebastian. Oh my goodness. I love them so much. They played lots of old stuff and lots of new stuff from the awesome Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance. I love the new album a lot, and they had lots of really fantastic visual stuff to go along with it at the live show. Really cool videos. As my friend Scott said, they're just so darn charming. Consider me charmed.

4. Donut Making. Kevin has been doing lots of baking this month. Although this was technically frying and not baking I guess. This was an attempt to recreate his favorite donut - the plain old fashion from Top Pot - using the recipe and directions in their book. The donuts were good but super rich and heavy. We both ate one of them and decided we probably didn't need to make a whole pile and would be better off just going out to the Top Pot store to get our fix. It was a fun activity, though!

1. I've been spending lots of time doing homework and things for the Project Management certificate course that I'm taking through the University of Washington. On this particular night I took my homework over to Scott's house and had Mr. Shooby Tailer help me with it while Kevin and Scott made dinner.

2. Date night at Cafe Presse. It has been too long. Also, I still beam with pride every time he chooses to wear this sweater. It's held up really well to wear, and while there are some things I'd do differently if I made it again (slash am doing differently right now because I am making it again), it's still a really lovely sweater.

3. The Churchill Family Coffee Station featuring my very favorite mug from Tolt. Lately Kevin's been getting up earlier then me and I've been getting coffee delivered to me in bed each morning. So nice.

4. Cat sitting! Our dear friend Scott went out of town for severals days, which meant we got to house sit. Which really means we got to cat sit. So many snuggles and purrs from this fella. He's really turned into quite a friendly cat. As long as you don't attempt to pet him anywhere near his belly or make any quick, toy-like movements with your hands because then YOU DIE. He's also the only cat I've even met that simply likes to smell your food rather than steal it. Such a sniffer. And yes, I do realize there are two cat pictures in this month's review. Trust me when I say I held back.

1. Young Buffalo at the Tractor Tavern. We actually went to see the headliner - Matt Pond PA - but ended up really enjoying the opener a ton. Super fun live. We bought the "House" album a couple of days later and have really been enjoying it.

2. I quite frequently wear my Agatha to work with skirts and dresses (which I don't really wear outside of work too much these days since I have to dress business casual at my current job). On this particular day I was so pleased with my outfit that I just had to ask Kevin to snap my picture. The dress was one I thrifted awhile ago and altered. I shortened the length and sleeves, removed the shoulder pad (oh the 80's) and took off this lacy white trim that was appliquéd to the lapel. The hem's a bit wonky, but because it's so swishy I don't mind.