Monday, May 5, 2014

Christmas Sweater Project - April Update

Progress is on track for my Christmas sweater! Hooray!  

I'm not entirely sure when this progress is as of. As in, when I reached my April goal and forced myself to set it down until May. Point being: it's on track! I haven't yet started the sleeves as I've been happy working on other projects and always feel you should keep with something while you're into it since you never know when it's going to become uninteresting. I've got two other sweaters on the needles right now - one for Kev and one for me - and have to say that I feel this is the perfect amount of sweaters to knit simultaneously.  They are of varying difficulties and are all at different stages, which means that I can pick one up to take on the bus (small and super easy), to knit night (which usually involves a pint and thus goes from medium difficulty to "stockinette please"), or on a lovely long couch plot/tv watching binge (concentration required). 

I'm very much looking forward to casting on the first sleeve of my Christmas sweater and plan to do it soon. It'll be a bit of colorwork just like the bottom of the body then lots and lots of small, portable stockinette. Plus, a sweater really doesn't start to look like a sweater until you start making the sleeves (at least not this construction method) and this is the start of that. Wish me luck in keeping on track!
  • March - Knit 7" of body (half of 14")
  • April - Finish last 7" of body to the armpits
  • May - Make half of first sleeve
  • June - Finish first sleeve
  • July - Make half of second sleeve
  • August - Finish second sleeve
  • September - Join sleeves to body and start the yoke
  • October - Finish the yoke
  • November - Seaming, finishing, and blocking
  • December - Wear it every friggin day.