Tuesday, December 17, 2013

52 Tuesday's: Favorite CHRISTMAS Thrifts #24

What: Gold Trim Tom and Jerry Bowl
Where: Shoreline Goodwill
Level of Love: 5 out of 6 

I love this Tom and Jerry bowl. For those of you not familiar, a Tom and Jerry is a warm holiday drink that's kind of like eggnog but with alcohol. I don't think I've ever actually had one. Maybe once. But if I did I can't remember if I liked it. Regardless, it's not the drink itself that makes me love this bowl. To tell you the truth, I can't quite put my finger on why I feel so drawn to Tom and Jerry sets. I think it reminds me of Christmastime in the midwest. Not because we had them in my house growing up, but because it was one of those grocery store holiday signposts that mark the road to Christmas. The Tom and Jerry mix came out in our local grocery store right along with the fruitcake and the eggnog. Now, since we've moved to the west coast, I've become increasingly nostalgic about everything Wisconsin-esque. While it's always fun to make our own traditions, there's just something extra special about carrying on old one's, too. I guess that's why they call them traditions. Maybe this year we'll blend the old with the new and start of tradition of actually drinking Tom and Jerry's. The recipe in this article looks promising indeed. 

This particular Tom and Jerry set is extra special because it's made by our favorite brand Homer Laughlin (see here, here, and here). I also think the cream color with gold trim is pretty classy while at the same time taking a break from the typical Christmas color scheme that dominates the rest of our decorating. I gave it a five out of six because it's missing one of it's mugs. There's five. And there should be six. Thus...five out of six. 

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