Thursday, March 17, 2016

Why I Go to Wisconsin with a Half-Empty Suitcase

...because of the thrifts. And also because of the need to bring back cheese. But this post is about clothes not cheese.

It's no secret by now that going to thrift stores is one of my most favorite activities. It's a fact that has been well documented on this blog. I just love the hunt. And the uniqueness of what you can find. And the deals. And the timelessness of it. With the way that "fashion" swings through the decades these days, it's just so cool to me that you can find great vintage stuff that is totally back in style. It's also that I just really love clothes. I think I always have. I like putting fun outfits together, thinking of looks I want to add to my wardrobe and then hunting them down. But I also hate a ton of things about what has come to be known as fast fashion. I'm not going to go into a huge rant here. This is just supposed to be a fun "look what I found!" post. Go ahead and google "what is fast fashion" if you're not sure what I mean. To put in plainly: thrifting is simply my favorite way to get new clothes, for a myriad of reasons.

Okay. Back to the good stuff.

We were able to hit quite a good handful of thrifts on our most recent trip to Wisconsin. It's really a must. What makes the Wisconsin thrifts so great? Honestly I don't really know. And they're certainly not the best for everything. Mostly, I think they're the best for vintage / retro clothes. Think fancy grandma. Is that a fashion term? If so, I think I'd like to co-opt it as my personal style statement. Or how about this: what your mom wore in the 70s and 80s. Well, at least what my mom wore? I have the photographic proof. She was a total babe.

OMG I cannot stay on topic today! How about I just put the pictures in now.

I am totally in love with this entire outfit. I found both the shirt and pants at a little church-run thrift store in my hubs's hometown. They had the shirt on one of those half-bust hanger things. You know. The kind they use for the stuff they think is really good, and then they hang it up on the wall. Yeah. One of those. Clearly the retiree volunteers really knew what they had with this one because, lemme tell ya, it is fantastic. 100% silk (minus the sequins obvs) with a beautiful shape. And I'm sure it was still under $5. THANK YOU WISCONSIN! The pants are pretty killer too. Super high waisted, as you can tell, with a nice little semi-cropped leg. I think they're Route66 brand from K-Mart, which I kind of love.

Now here's what I'm talkin' bout with the 70's mom jeans! These are so fabulous. I've been wearing them almost constantly since we got home. This high waisted, wide leg, slightly flared style is so totally back. I had been hunting for a pair here in Seattle for several months with no luck. Well, no luck that went over a size 4. Which I am definitely not in vintage jean sizes (side note: Do you love or hate vanity sizing? I'm undecided. Mostly I just wish it was consistent). Normally I wouldn't want to be broadcasting my bum on the internet, but those back pockets are just too good! 

Also, please excuse my need to place my hand on the window frame for some reason. I have no idea where that came from. It must be something they teach in model school. If there's a window frame use it. 

Mom jean look number two! Although now we've drifted decidedly out of the 70s and landed in....what? Late 80s? Totally morphed into the 90s? It's possible my ideas of the decades are not entirely accurate. Either way, I'm super smitten with these. Goodbye skinny jeans. These have become my other constant wear jeans (sorry to anyone who sees me on a weekly basis for just showing you a bunch of pictures of what you have been experiencing in real life). 

Next up we have this crazy little two piece number. Two piece outfits are my new favorite thing to hunt for, ever since I found this fantastic pant and short-sleeve button up combo in a teeny black and white polka dot print that looks like a jumpsuit when you tuck the top in. Who can resist a jumpsuit? People with long torsos (points to self). I always have this constant-wedgie problem with pretty much every jumpsuit I've tried on. So a two piece number that looks like a jumpsuit is super fantastic for freaks like me! Anyway, I found this skirt and shirt combo and was (and still am) a little hesitant about it. The skirt is kind of long and I kind of wish the top was a button up. But ultimately I couldn't resist the huge floral print and the fact that it has pockets. I've worn both as separates, and I actually really like them that way. My other thought is that I could possibly turn the skirt into pants. Like, really billowy palazzo style. The only problem is that they'd be ankle length, which is sort of trend right now? But also a little weird and maybe not super flattering. I could also just shorten the skirt a bit, but I can't do both. I think I'd prefer it as pants, but it may be a bit beyond my sewing level and I don't want to ruin it altogether. AH! Decisions!

Jewelry! I got some good bobbly bobbles, which is my favorite kind of jewelry. Statement pieces, amiright?!? The one on the left is made out of actual stone beads, rather than my usual plastic. That probably means it's higher quality or sumthing. Its also got this really pretty little brass closure thing. Totally classy. The red one on the right is a style that I've been keeping my eye out for recently. It's the same shade of red, but a different length as one that I already have. That one belonged to my grandma. It's a little bit longer than this one, so I wanted to find one in the same shade that I could wear with it. Because of course one bright red plastic bobble necklace is not enough. My favorite is the one in the middle, though. BECAUSE IT'S ACTUALLY A MIRROR! It's like a functional sun medallion. Which I am all about. Sure, it's a tiny mirror. But it's perfect for touching up one's lipstick, which apparently I wear a lot of these days. I blame Andi. 

And last but not least we have Kevin! With his bestest thrift find of the trip: this fantastic coat. (Why do I suddenly sound like I'm MCing at a beauty pageant?) He found it at the Dime and Dollar in Wausau, which is definitely one of our favorite places. It's fantastic that it actually fits him, slim dude that he is. That fake fur cape thing zips up into a hood, too. So rad. Also: DIDN'T I MARRY THE STUDLIEST MAN EVER! I think so.

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