Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall Traditions

Fall has always been my favorite seasons and one of the best parts about living in Washington state is that it lasts on and on and on.  The temperature is perfect for warm sweaters and scarfs worn without jackets and the sun is still out more than one might think.  The leaves also turn color very slowly compared to hometown Wisconsin, which makes for beautiful walks late into November.  Fall also seems like a time for traditions.  Maybe it’s because Fall is also the pre-cursor to the busy winter holiday season and we start to get in the mood for all the tradition that goes along with that. Or it could be the very effective marketing of you-know-who and their Pumpkin Spice Lattes.  Yeah. I’ve had a few. Whatever the reason, we continued some old Fall traditions and started some new one’s this year.

First up: SALMON! 

Not only is it Fall in Washington it’s also salmon spawning season.  This is a tradition we started last year and I hope it continues time immortal. I love the salmon.  They’re fascinating and beautiful and downright magical.  We like to start out by visiting them as they make their way through the fish ladder at the Ballard locks.  Here’s a peek at what they look like….

Then, a little later in the year, we venture out to a tiny little stream to see them at the end of their journey…

Magical right!?! Not only do they make the super long trek from salt water to fresh water they also dramatically change their shape along the way.  Maybe I’m overexcited about this, but it still boggles me that these could be the same fish.

Next up: Take a walk through the (rainy) Washington Park Arboretum. 

This is a new one. Although, it’s really a continuation of a springtime tradition.  It happened to be raining the day we went, but in some ways I think that makes it more beautiful.  The colors really pop in the rain.  Highlights for me were seeing a pear tree (seemed so exotic!), taking pictures of almost every Mountain Ash branch full of berries, and the bright red Japanese Maples. 

And finally: Make an apple pie. 

This has been our favorite apple pie recipe for a few years now.  It’s got cheese baked into the crust. Call us Wisconsinites through and through.  Below are the apples I used…but I couldn’t seem to get a picture of the finished product before it was snapped up!

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