Friday, November 23, 2012

Apple Capital of the World

Both of these were thrift store finds in Washington. How could I not get them?!? We try not to collect too many random kitchen items. It's our greatest thrift downfall, what with my Fiestaware and Pyrex collections among other things.  For anyone who's been to our kitchen you might think we've failed at that by the state of our cupboards. Anyway, back on topic. What is the Apple Capital of the World? According to these vintage-y mugs both Yakima and Wenatchee have laid claim to the title.  So, which is it? I am certainly not going to argue with vintage-y mugs. And there's no other way to tell for sure.  Other than the mugs that is. No technology that could help us here...just the mugs. So, as far as the Churchill household is concerned, they're both the apple capital of the world. Who knows, maybe we'll have another random thrift find and a third city will be added to that list. If we did, I would definitely be coming home with that mug.

1 comment:

  1. Has no one ever told you there is no such thing as too many, random kitchen items? My downfall is bowls. Ok, maybe more than just bowls, but bowls definitely rank right up there. Really like your apple mugs. Red is a great kitchen color! Aunt Kim
