Sunday, April 6, 2014

Christmas Sweater Project - March Update

I've been making significant progress on my Christmas sweater. So much so that I think I've got a good chance of finishing it in time for yule-tide festivities. Here's what the progress looks like thus far:

So far it has been a very enjoyable knit. As usual, I hated the ribbing and bemoaned every inch of it (how I ever made a whole ribbed sweater is a testament to my love for the hubs). Also as usual, I flew through the colorwork section because I'm a sucker for watching the pattern develop and thus staying up too late watching three consecutive episodes of Mad Men  not wanting to put it down. Oh how I love colorwork. For me it's the perfect flow inducing balance of challenge and skill that lets me knit for hours and hours on end. Mmmmm. Looking forward to the yoke section fo sho. 

This picture was as of April 5th. It's nine inches long at this point, which is pretty much right on track with the fancy schmancy bullet pointed list. Plus, since I'm past the colorwork section it's just straight one-color stockinette for the rest of the body, which makes this perfect for knit nights (which usually include booze and thus impair my knitting abilities) and bus rides. Optimism abounds. 

  • March - Knit 7" of body (half of 14")
  • April - Finish last 7" of body to the armpits
  • May - Make half of first sleeve
  • June - Finish first sleeve
  • July - Make half of second sleeve
  • August - Finish second sleeve
  • September - Join sleeves to body and start the yoke
  • October - Finish the yoke
  • November - Seaming, finishing, and blocking
  • December - Wear it every friggin day.

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good! I love this KAL - hopefully I'll be motivated enough to cast on later in the year and catch up a bit!
